Be Still, God is Re-forming Us

Be Still, God is Re-forming Us

As we mark Reformation Sunday this weekend, we can quickly notice how God continues to re-form us in grace. Both church and society continue to be in a time of great change, so it is delicious good news that God is not done speaking or working in our lives, our...
Joy As A Practice

Joy As A Practice

In Matthew 22, Jesus speaks of God’s reign as being like a banquet. We don’t always think of God in terms of feasting, but Jesus seems to believe God likes a good party. Especially when the feast can also include those who don’t always get an invitation, God’s...
Vineyard Justice

Vineyard Justice

In Isaiah 5, it says that God planted a vineyard and expected justice but instead saw bloodshed, and sought righteousness but instead heard a cry. When we were doing a Bible study on Isaiah last year, we studied this passage. Several of us commented how we preferred...


In Matthew 20 we hear one of Jesus’ parables that both challenges us and brings us joy. Jesus tells of a landowner who goes to the marketplace to get laborers for the vineyard, and keeps hiring workers throughout the day. The last one hired receives as much as the...
Wrestling with Forgiveness

Wrestling with Forgiveness

Anne Lamott said someone once asked her if she was “one of those forgiving Christians.” Lamott wondered if there was some other kind? We know forgiveness is a key component in our faith (and figures prominently in the Lord’s Prayer), and yet we know that forgiveness...
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