Two or Three Gathered

Two or Three Gathered

I love Jesus’ words in Matthew 18 — “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” It is a humble, hopeful promise. When a few of us gather in Jesus’ name, we are part of the real-time incarnation of Christ in our world. I love that promise!Jesus...
Trying to Follow This One

Trying to Follow This One

How do we deal with hard news that challenges the way we’ve usually thought? Do we say “No, that can’t be” at first? Do we ask those around us what they think? Do we go and do further research? It can be hard when we’re confronted with something that challenges our...
Agitating Jesus

Agitating Jesus

In Matthew’s gospel, there is an event where a Canaanite woman advocates for her daughter (Matthew 15). She shouts at Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus does nothing at first, which has puzzled people through the centuries. The disciples want to shoo her away. The...
Small, Still Voice

Small, Still Voice

I love the passage from 1 Kings 19 that is appointed for Sunday. The prophet Elijah is on the run because powerful leaders threaten to kill him. So he goes up Mount Horeb, and there has a powerful experience. God promises to come, and there is a strong wind, an...
Eat What Is Good

Eat What Is Good

Isaiah 55 has a verse we’ll hear this Sunday: “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy?” Those questions always get me. I often spend money on things which do not feed or nourish me. There are so many...
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