The Mystery of Baptism

The Mystery of Baptism

Paul wrote to the people in Rome about the mystery of baptism in Romans 6. Paul said that in baptism we are joined to Christ in death so we may be raised to walk in newness of life. Each day, Martin Luther counseled, we can be renewed as we wake by remembering our...
Apostles of Healing

Apostles of Healing

In the gospel of Matthew, as we will hear on Sunday, Jesus sees how the crowds were “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” So Jesus chooses 12 from among the disciples to be “apostles,” or ones sent out. To bring healing. To bring teaching and...
Upsetting Wideness of Mercy

Upsetting Wideness of Mercy

Jesus had a way of upsetting people, especially those who preferred a secure sense of order. In the gospel reading from Matthew 9 that we will hear on Sunday, Jesus calls a tax collector named Matthew. Why not someone more admirable or moral than that? Jesus brought...
Embracing Mystery

Embracing Mystery

When we look at the heavens, we see stars that are light-years distant from us. When we study the intricacies of leaves, we learn of photosynthesis that sustains life. When we listen to children, we hear life’s movement in real time. Each of these offers a chance to...
Bring Your Hunger

Bring Your Hunger

In Luke 24, the risen Jesus appears to the disciples as they were walking to Emmaus, and teaches them with a walking Bible study the whole way. They don’t get the Bible study, however. They only recognized Jesus when he was breaking bread to share with them. I think...
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