Faith Lives in You

Faith Lives in You

In one of our readings for this Sunday from 2 Timothy 1:5, the letter addressed from Paul to Timothy says, “I am reminded of your faith, a faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and now lives in you.” There are some remarkable bits...
Cost of Discipleship

Cost of Discipleship

In Luke 14, Jesus talks about the cost of discipleship. Jesus knows that his own life will include opposition from powerful forces and hard decisions. For us to strive to live as disciples of Jesus likewise means that there will be costs. We don’t have to be Christs,...
God’s Banquet

God’s Banquet

In Luke 14, Jesus goes to a dinner event where other guests are jockeying for position. Jesus heals a diseased man there, which creates a stir. Jesus notices how people observe a pecking order — some get positions of honor at the table while others are relegated to...
What Sabbath Means

What Sabbath Means

In the Hebrew Bible, God gives the gift of the sabbath because people need rest and need to know their dignity as God’s liberated creatures. One reason for the commandment to keep the sabbath is to reflect how God rested on the 7th day of creation. Another reason is...
Surrounded By A Cloud of Witnesses

Surrounded By A Cloud of Witnesses

Even when I am in a crowd of people, there are times when I can feel lonely. I can feel lonely with perspectives that aren’t shared by others, or experiences that don’t resonate with those around me. I can feel lonely when I wake in the middle of the night. There are...
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