Be Still, God is Re-forming Us

a wheelbarrow with flowers

Written by Hans Jorgensen

October 27, 2023

As we mark Reformation Sunday this weekend, we can quickly notice how God continues to re-form us in grace. Both church and society continue to be in a time of great change, so it is delicious good news that God is not done speaking or working in our lives, our churches, and the world. Thus we keep pondering, learning, and engaging with openness to God’s always reforming Spirit.

When I look in the mirror, I personally long for that ongoing re-formation! When I hear the news, the longing only deepens.

In Psalm 46, we hear “God is our refuge and strength, a present help in time of trouble.” Martin Luther used that verse as a springboard for writing the hymn that we know as “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” When he faced dispiriting conflict, this psalm resonated for Luther. When we sing together, I feel that help to carry us onward.

Later in the psalm it says, “Be still, and know that I am God…” Sometimes it helps to practice that verse as a breath-prayer. On the in-breath – “Be still.” On the out-breath – “Know that I am God.” God’s presence doesn’t often come with noticeable might or sturdy structural strength, but in stillness we can nevertheless be open to God’s Spirit.

Beloved of St. Timothy, my prayer this week is that you and I will continue to place ourselves in God’s re-forming grace!


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