In Luke 24, the risen Jesus appears to the disciples as they were walking to Emmaus, and teaches them with a walking Bible study the whole way. They don’t get the Bible study, however. They only recognized Jesus when he was breaking bread to share with them. I think it is amazing in this Easter gospel reading that Jesus wants to eat with the disciples. What does that say to you?
This passage can, of course, be imagery for communion. Just like Jesus was breaking bread at the Last Supper, and calling disciples to continue that practice, this can be a sacramental sign of presence.
It can also simply refer to the physical needs we all have with hunger, and Jesus’ prayer about giving all of us our daily bread. Bread would have referred to the common food of peasants back then. In our day, it could be a peanut butter sandwich or fish taco or rice & beans. Jesus wants people to have daily bread. How does eating together with others lead us to food justice? How can our practices with food lead us to recognize the risen Jesus now?
Beloved of God, bring your hungers with one another, and share daily bread as a sign of God’s presence.
Three Holy Days
In our tradition, we make space on Maundy Thursday to remember central parts of our faith story. We hear about the...