A New Heaven and Earth

A New Heaven and Earth

In 7th and 8th grade confirmation next week, we’ll be discussing these questions raised by our students: Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Where do we go when we die, and how do we know where our loved ones are?Behind these questions, I hear an honest yearning for a...
God’s Word On Our Hearts

God’s Word On Our Hearts

In Jeremiah 31, the prophet says, “I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”On Reformation Sunday, we hear about how God will put the word on our hearts. Why is it “on” our hearts? One...
Cries for God’s Wholeness

Cries for God’s Wholeness

In Mark 10, Bartimaeus didn’t stop crying out for help when he heard Jesus was nearby even though others tried to “shush” him. Jesus said, “Your faith has made you well.”What do you think was the faith of Bartimaeus? How did it make him well? And what happens when we...
Greatness in Context

Greatness in Context

In Mark 10, Jesus said, “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant… for the Son of Man came… to give his life as a ransom for many.”How do you hear this? Do you hear the grace with which Christ comes for you? Jesus says that he willingly gives his life...
Squeezing Camels Through Needle’s Eyes

Squeezing Camels Through Needle’s Eyes

In Mark 10, Jesus said to his disciples, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” The image is funny. Don’t miss that! We often read scripture passages like this with stained-glass...
Receiving Like A Child

Receiving Like A Child

In Mark 10, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” And he took children up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.The image for this passage is one I’ve carried close since...
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