Somebody Prayed

Somebody Prayed

After college when I was living in Brooklyn is the first time I heard the hymn, “Somebody prayed for me.” The words go on, “…had me on their mind. Took the time to pray for me. I’m so glad, I’m so glad, I’m so glad they prayed for me.” I was playing in the gospel...
Bring Your Hunger

Bring Your Hunger

In Luke 24, the risen Jesus appears to the disciples as they were walking to Emmaus, and teaches them with a walking Bible study the whole way. They don’t get the Bible study, however. They only recognized Jesus when he was breaking bread to share with them. I think...
Meeting Us Where We Are

Meeting Us Where We Are

In John 20, the risen Jesus says to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.”I love how Jesus meets Thomas where he is! Thomas won’t believe some pious hope just because his friends do. Thomas...
Earth-Shaking News

Earth-Shaking News

Over the next few days, we will travel through the stories of the first communion and the foot washing on Maundy Thursday, and then Jesus’ anguish and courage on Good Friday. These are hard days, even when we live in anticipation of Easter. These are days to help us...
Gospel Heart

Gospel Heart

When Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, there is a noisy welcome, with excitement from the people greeting him. We feel the joy shining through the humble way that Jesus promises God’s liberating love! What are the ways that your heart yearns for God’s goodness...
Taking the Detour

Taking the Detour

In the first verses of John 4, Jesus travels from Judea to Galilee. John tells us, “Now he had to go through Samaria.” The thing is, he didn’t. Not geographically, anyway. But because of his detour, Jesus found himself tired, and sitting at a well at noontime. There,...
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