Dealing with Rejection

Written by Hans Jorgensen

October 2, 2020

Psalm 118 says, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”

Psalm 118 is appointed each year for Easter. It is also part of the graveside liturgy. Psalm 118 reminds us of the mystery of new life erupting right in the middle of experiences of death. Read the verse again.

In Matthew 21, Jesus quotes this verse about his ministry, and that the rejection he experiences will not be the final word. When you have experienced rejection, does it help to know that Jesus experienced that as well?

As human beings, we have a hard time with long perspectives. I’m glad that those who advocated for Civil Rights did not give up, or those who marched for Women’s Suffrage. What helps you to keep going with long vision, given times of rejection? Can Psalm 118 bring us courage in that?

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