Ways to give of your time, talents, and resources.
Thank you for supporting the mission and ministries of St. Timothy! Your offering can be made by mail (our address is 1465 Victoria St. N., St. Paul, MN 55117), dropped through the mail slot by the west doors, or made online here.
Giving Your Time, Talents, and Resources
Giving Your Financial Resources
You can make one-time donations and also set up automatic, recurring weekly or monthly donations via a secure website. Click here if you’d like to give to St. Timothy Lutheran Church online.
Giving Stocks or Funds
If you’d like to give to St. Timothy using stock or fund transfers, please click on this link to download a Stock or Fund Transfer Form.
Giving in Retirement
Learn more about options for giving to St. Timothy as a retired person and how to optimize your personal finances at the same time. Please ask your financial advisor for current rules that apply to you.

Giving Beyond
Estate Planning
For information about estate planning and record keeping, click on this link on gift planning from the AARP. Helpful personal estate planning kits can be downloaded here.
Planned gifting can also include life insurance policies. Click on this link to learn how easy it is to do this gifting.