In Mark 10, Jesus said, “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant… for the Son of Man came… to give his life as a ransom for many.”
How do you hear this? Do you hear the grace with which Christ comes for you? Jesus says that he willingly gives his life for you (and for a whole lot more)!
Do you also hear the challenge? Jesus doesn’t say there’s anything wrong with wanting to be great. Jesus simply invites the disciples to see greatness in a new light, as a way of serving. How are you already serving? (I know that you are already doing so, even if you don’t recognize it that way.)
As you hear this verse, remember that the context matters. It will not mean the same to each of us. Jesus was speaking these words to some men who thought they could climb above others. Notice in the gospels how Jesus speaks very differently to the woman at the well (John 4), or the children who were shoved aside (Mark 10), or the woman who anointed him (Matthew 26), or short Zacchaeus in a tree (Luke 18). Jesus’ words to you may not be exactly the same as these words in this verse, but how can you hear Jesus’ voice speaking to you in your context?
Beloved of God, Jesus comes with such care and devotion to meet you where you are. Take just a minute to abide in that promise for you today.
Three Holy Days
In our tradition, we make space on Maundy Thursday to remember central parts of our faith story. We hear about the...