For more information, please contact the church office and view the video below.
Memorial Garden
The St. Timothy Memorial Garden is a place to memorialize past, present, and future members of St. Timothy Lutheran Church and their families. It offers memorialization options that will meet most needs. Please contact the church office for information on layout, available spaces, and current pricing options.

Two options are available for use in the Garden. The columbarium, designed for 64 spaces, provides niche space for two ash remains in urns. In-ground spaces of about 14 sq. ft. offer space for two ash remains. The purchase for both of these types of spaces includes an engraved marker stone/door and opening services.

In-Ground Burial
Traditional lots, either dual or single, are located in the Garden for those who wish this type of burial. Head stones can either be flat ground makers or monuments. Internment services and head stones are available through the cemetery.

Family Wall
Often members of St. Timothy have other locations where their remains will be placed. They, however, have strong connections with St. Timothy and may wish to also be remembered with this connection. The Family Wall is available for their names to be engraved on the south side of the wall.
Around 2010, a group of St. Timothy members gathered to discuss the possibility of creating a place where those who have a connection with St. Timothy would have any opportunity for their final resting place to be near others with a shared history. Roselawn Cemetery was desirable because of its closeness and because many other past St. Timothy members are already there. Research also revealed that Roselawn is one of the most financially stable private cemeteries in the country. The group received approval from the St. Timothy Church Council to approach Roselawn and see if the idea could become a reality.
An agreement was reached with Roselawn where St. Timothy would be responsible for all the design and development cost and Roselawn would furnish the property, provide construction oversight, and provide perpetual maintenance of the site when completed. In return, St. Timothy would own a number of spaces, equal to the value of the construction cost, be able to control the sale of spaces, control the site design, and place a garden feature. When the original number of spaces are occupied, St. Timothy would continue to control the sales with a portion of the sales price retained by St. Timothy with the remainder of the purchase price returned to Roselawn.
The site, designed by a member of St. Timothy, was completed around 2013. The site was named the “St. Timothy Memorial Garden.” The Garden contains approximately 128 spaces and offers three different internment opportunities.
- Cremation urn in the Columbarium
- Cremation urn within an earthen plot, and
- Traditional earthen burial plots.
The site also includes a Remembrance Wall where those who are interred in a different location, but want to be remembered as part of the St. Timothy Family could have their names place on the Wall.
Today, the Garden is fully developed and its landscape feature, designed and maintained by another St. Timothy member, has become one of the most beautiful floral and shrub gardens in all of Roselawn. Everyone with a shared history with St. Timothy is encouraged to visit the site. Being there gives one the sense of togetherness that was the goal of the idea in creating the Garden. Niches and plots are available. Please contact the Church for more information.
A few years ago, The Moth radio hour featured a wonderful story told by Roz Chast, a cartoonist for the New Yorker. She faced a conundrum after her parents had both passed away: where to find a place to lay them to rest. Click on the button to the right and enjoy the story!