Prayer changes things. I believe that, and especially that prayer changes me as I pray. When we hear from Genesis 32 this Sunday about Jacob wrestling with “a man” at the river Jabbok, I think about prayer. Praying with God can seem mundane and ordinary, but it can also feel like wrestling. It can be strenuous work. In my prayer, I’m wrestling with what I want, and with what I’m hearing God wants for my life and from me.
Jacob was afraid. Jacob was alone. In my prayer, as I pray for guidance or for healing for others or for peace in our world, I carry my fear and loneliness with me. I wrestle with God, and I trust God to stay with me in that. God is not “put off” by wrestling or struggling. In the end, Jacob receives a blessing and realizes God was right there in that struggle. Another thing I notice is that Jacob limps ever after. Prayer changes things, including changing me. As I pray for people’s healing or well-being, a part of me changes, too. What do you notice with prayer over the years?
Thank you for your prayerful lives. I learn a lot about prayer from you, and I’m grateful for your witness. Now we can hold one another and our world up in prayer again.
Three Holy Days
In our tradition, we make space on Maundy Thursday to remember central parts of our faith story. We hear about the...