In Mark 10, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” And he took children up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.
The image for this passage is one I’ve carried close since childhood. Jesus gets upset with his disciples for being more concerned about grown-ups and their opinions than about children who need welcome. So Jesus embraces them, blesses them, and says they’re what God’s way is all about. It’s an important image because it shows Jesus’ topsy-turvy view of God, grace, life, and what matters. How does it sound to you today? Do you need to hear that message?
This passage comes right after some hoity-toity religious leaders wanted to trap Jesus about divorce. Jesus has no time for self-righteous judges! Mark’s gospel puts these two pieces together as if to amplify Jesus’ point. If you want to “prove” your rightness, it’ll be frustrating. Receiving God’s goodness like a child is more life-giving. What do you receive like a child? Time? Breath? Sleep? Food? Friends? Think about one thing that is a gift for you that way.
And of course, how are we able to extend God’s love so that others also can receive good gifts like a child? Beloved of St. Timothy, Christ is here to welcome you now.
Three Holy Days
In our tradition, we make space on Maundy Thursday to remember central parts of our faith story. We hear about the...