Much of my life seems to happen in a prose-flattened world. Much of my life seems to take place in to-do lists and checkbooks, in interest rates and a never-ending news cycle. The Christmas readings give us a chance to see the poetry of God’s promise that sustains us. Whether we hear this promise from Luke’s gospel with shepherds and angels and a feeding trough, or from John’s gospel with the cosmic word who became flesh like us, Christmas shows us a depth and nuance with God’s multi-faceted love.
The book of Hebrews tells us that “in many and various ways, God has spoken to us through the prophets.” Now in these days God has spoken through a person, who we speak of as God’s Son, Jesus. Now the word is living. No matter how much I love books, I hear plainly that this living book is even more important. How do I hear God’s word of love in this living person? That leads me to poetry — God in a manger, the living word through whom all things were made.
As we finish this season of Advent and celebrate the gift of Christmas, I pray that all of us may experience the poetry that invites more deeply into God’s life. Thank you, people of St. Timothy, for welcoming the Christ-child together and in your homes and relationships!
Three Holy Days
In our tradition, we make space on Maundy Thursday to remember central parts of our faith story. We hear about the...